Cover Image for Pitch and Run ATX 🤠
Cover Image for Pitch and Run ATX 🤠
Avatar for Pitch and Run ATX
Presented by
Pitch and Run ATX
260 Went
Past Event
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About Event

Pitch and Run ATX 🤠


Meet founders, funders, operators, and the best people in Austin's startup ecosystem!

Pitch your biz while running beautiful ATX. Every Friday 8AM outside of Merit Coffee on 222 West Ave. All paces welcome! 🙌

⭐️ Sponsored by FIDELITY SHOOBX ⭐️

  • Special PnR 20% discount to Fidelity Cap Table Platform

  • 🚀 Get a free cup of coffee ☕️ on Fidelity after the run! You must make the group photo 📸 for some joe afterwards!

Fidelity for Startups is supporting the startup & venture capital community. Fidelity is helping founders prepare for their next round of funding with our Cap Table platform Shoobx, access to seed stage capital, equity scenario modeling, and premier support to generate, execute & store legal documents. No matter where you are in your journey - from inception to IPO - Fidelity has strategies for you. Connect with Charlie Stephens to learn more! 

By registering for this event, I understand and agree that the information I am providing will be processed in accordance with the Fidelity privacy policy.

Partnering w/ The Loop Running Supply Co. -> Store Location📍

  • 15% off footwear and most products! (some exclusions apply like GPS and limited edition stuff)


LinkedIn: @PitchandRun
Twitter: @PitchandRunATX
IG: @PitchandRunATX 

This is our 4.2 mile RUN ROUTE

Ground Rules

  1. Who: We are welcome to EVERYONE, founders, funders, employees of startups, fans of startups, etc! ALL paces welcomed! 

  2. Intros: Your name, how long you've been doing PitchandRun and something good that happened this week!

  3. Why: We're a community here to support each other in Life, Running, Fundraising, Career Moves, etc  - Pitch and Run is about supporting each other!

We are building a community of people (not companies) you can talk about your company on the run but we want people to join as the person not what they are starting or what they do for a living.


  • 7:55AM - Arrive

  • 8:00AM - Intros (large circle ⭕️ of people outside Merit)

  • 8:10AM - Run & Group Photo

  • 9:00AM - Hang out and grab some coffee!

  • 9:15AM - Snag some gear at The Loop 15% off!

#PitchandRunATX #startups #investors #founders #vc #entrepreneurs #running #atx #austin

Merit Coffee
222 West Ave #120, Austin, TX 78701, USA
Avatar for Pitch and Run ATX
Presented by
Pitch and Run ATX
260 Went