「時刻‧定格」藝術展覽 | "Pleasure Moment" Exhibition
(Please make a priority online reservation, and indicate the time period for visiting the exhibition.)
展覽地點:Legacy Artisan | 香港尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號K11 Atelier Victoria Dockside 20樓2007室
開放時間:星期一至五:上午11時至下午7時 | 星期六:上午11時至下午5時
全球藝術盛會Art Basel和Art Central將於3月在香港會議展覽中心盛大舉行。而在這場藝術盛事之先,Legacy Artisan聯乘 BLINK Gallery舉辦「時刻‧定格」藝術展覽 ,該展覽將於3月16日至23日假位於香港尖沙咀K11 ATELIER Victoria Dockside的 Legacy Artisan舉行,誠摯邀請您參與此一盛會。
「時刻‧定格」藝術展覽是Legacy Artisan與BLINK Gallery聯合舉辦的一場預覽展,旨在為尊貴的嘉賓提供獨特的機會,率先欣賞和收藏獨家藝術品。是次展覽將以「時刻‧定格」為主題,以推廣傳承的藝術與美學,展覽以光影作為針線,串連起探索無限時空的畫作,及揉合永恆、收藏級別的寶石,寶石在陽光照射下,曼妙的光影折射在色彩圓融的畫作上,構成光與影的圓舞曲。展覽匯聚了兩位優秀藝術家的作品,她們分別是定光琴女士和陳紫君女士,透過兩位藝術家的作品及異彩流光的寶石,凝結瞬間的時刻概念。
除了這些精彩的藝術作品外,預覽展還將展出極為珍稀和收藏級別的寶石,供觀眾欣賞並收藏。展覽展出的寶石以精湛的工藝打造,為人們帶來耳目一新的藝術珠寶作品。每一顆稀有寶石展品都以卓越的技藝精心製作,每一顆寶石都是可穿戴的藝術品,彰顯了藝術和珠寶之間的迷人結合。屆時,Legacy Artisan的寶石策展總監兼世界級的寶石切割師Tommy Ma ( 馬啟智),和珠寶藝術總監及資深珠寶及藝術品收藏家York Yiu(姚式傑),會在展期內向觀眾介紹珠寶工藝的藝術。Tommy曾經在2019年和2020年分別獲得全美寶石切割師協會世界賽和澳洲國際切磨師大賽的冠軍,他的參賽寶石均榮獲100分滿分的卓越成績。
Legacy Artisan亦為尊貴的客戶提供量身定制珠寶設計服務,我們的團隊由擁有奢華腕錶和珠寶豐富經驗的專業人士組成,並對奢華腕錶和珠寶的特點、歷史和市場趨勢均有深入了解。由聆聽並了解您的故事和品味,隨之資深珠寶設計師為您設計專屬的珠寶作品,Legacy Artisan熱衷於協助您找到慶祝您人生旅程及故事的珠寶,歡迎聯繫我們了解詳情。
我們誠摯地邀請您參加這場光影交錯的藝術之旅,共同探索藝術的無限可能性。如欲了解更多信息和預約參觀,歡迎透過+852 2682 9886聯繫我們。
The eminent global art events, Art Basel and Art Central, will be grandly held in March at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Prior to this artistic extravaganza, Legacy Artisan crossover BLINK Gallery to present a preview exhibition titled "Pleasure Moment" in mid-March. This unique opportunity allows guests to be the first to appreciate and collect exclusive artworks.
The theme of this exhibition revolves around the promotion of inherited art. Through the interplay of light, shadow, and intertwining of time and space, the exhibition connects explorations of boundless dimensions with paintings and precious gems that symbolize eternity and collectability. The gemstones, illuminated by sunlight, refract mesmerizing light and shadow onto the harmonious and colorful paintings, forming a waltz of light and shadow. The exhibition brings together the works of two outstanding artists: Ms. Mediha Ting and Ms. TK Chan. Through the artworks of these two artists and the exquisite gemstones, the concept of freezing infinite moments is explored.
Ms. Mediha Ting's works blend Chinese ink painting with Western techniques, presenting a captivating fusion of abstraction and representation. The exhibited series, "Dialogue Through Time with Giuseppe Castiglione" meticulously depicts the details of flowers and leaves from Giuseppe Castiglione's collection "Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring" using acrylic paints. In the process of dotting, lining, and sketching, she enters a meditative state that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Immersed in the essence and soul of the master, her brush captures the essence of the flowers, crystallizing them into moments of eternal beauty.
Meanwhile, Ms. TK Chan is renowned for her unique visual style and creative techniques. Her works are filled with rich details and emotions, capturing the essence of natural landscapes and human figures. With vibrant colors and distinctive brushstrokes, her exhibited series, "Aurora" , "Sky" and "Starry SKy" explores scientific investigations and photography of the aurora. By using circular canvases and oil paints to freeze beautiful moments in the sky, she showcases the enchanting interplay of light and shadow in different scenes. Her works convey profound messages of human unity and the protection of the Earth.
Both artists' works embody the concept of freezing moments on canvas. Through their artistic processes, they traverse time and space, connecting with the souls of their artworks. In the exhibition "Pleasure Moment" their works collectively invite the audience to contemplate the transience of existence and the profound joy found in capturing and preserving beautiful moments.
In addition to these captivating artworks, the exhibition will showcase extremely rare and collectible gemstones for visitors to admire and collect. Crafted with exquisite craftsmanship, the exhibited gemstones present refreshing artistic gemstone pieces. Each rare gemstone exhibit is meticulously created with exceptional skill, making each piece a wearable work of art that showcases the captivating fusion of art and jewelry. During the exhibition, Tommy Ma, the Director of Gem Curation and world-class gemstone cutter at Legacy Artisan, and York Yiu, the Jewelry Art Director and a renowned art collector in Hong Kong, will introduce the art of jewelry craftsmanship to the audience. Tommy Ma previously won the championships at the 2019 World Championship of United States Faceters Guild Single Stone Competition and the Australian International Faceting Challenge in 2020, with his participating gemstones earning exceptional scores of 100 points.
Legacy Artisan also offers personalized bespoke jewelry design services for our esteemed clients. Our team consists of professionals with rich experience in luxury watches and jewelry. We have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics, history, and market trends of luxury watches and jewelry. From listening and understanding your story and taste to having our experienced jewelry designers create exclusive pieces for you, Legacy Artisan is dedicated to assisting you in finding the perfect jewelry to celebrate your life journey and story. Please feel free to contact us for more information.
This exhibition will be a journey through art, leading the audience across different times and cultures to experience the allure and power of art. Whether you are a novice interested in art or an experienced collector, this exhibition promises a rich experience and inspiration.
We sincerely invite you to join this interplay of light and shadow, embarking on an artistic journey to explore the infinite possibilities of art. Please feel free to contact us for more information and to schedule a visit. Thank you for your support of the arts, and we look forward to meeting you at the exhibition!
"Pleasure Moment" Exhibition
Exhibition Date: March 16 -23, 2024
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri : 11am -7pm | Sat: 11am -5 pm
Location: Legacy Artisan | Suite 2007, 20/F, K11 Atelier Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Admission is free of charge. Interested individuals are encouraged to make a priority online reservation, and indicate the time period for visiting the exhibition.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +852 2682 9886.
We look forward to your presence, as we collectively witness this captivating and artful event!