Cover Image for Playing Lean Brampton AM
Cover Image for Playing Lean Brampton AM
Past Event
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About Event

Join us to learn how entrepreneurs can avoid the common pitfalls and mistakes of starting a company without risking their bank account, their ego, or their reputation.

During the session, Ecosystem builder and startup mentor Craig Elias, from Calgary, Alberta, will help local entrepreneurs, mentors, educators, students, ecosystem builders, and economic developers learn how to launch a successful company by using a specialized Norwegian board game called Playing Lean to help participants:

  • Learn and practice lean startup skills

  • Feel the highs and lows of entrepreneurship

  • Learn the truth about commonly-held startup myths

  • Discover how to improve a startup's odds of success

  • Understand and develop the mindset of an entrepreneur

  • Experience the challenges and trade-offs of starting a company

Playing Lean is an entrepreneurship learning tool developed in collaboration with the creator of the Lean Canvas - Ash Maurya - and the author of Testing Business Ideas - Alexander Osterwalder.

This session is an amazing way to learn how to start a successful company that is educational, competitive, and so addictive you'll want to play the game again.

Call or text Craig Elias (+1.403.874.2998) if you have any questions before registering.

P.S. If you want to get a head start learning how to play/win the game, watch this YouTube video.

Brampton Entrepreneur Centre + Co-working Space
41 George St S, Brampton, ON L6Y 2E1, Canada