Cover Image for Playground: Dear Perfection, let’s break up
Cover Image for Playground: Dear Perfection, let’s break up
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L&D Shakers Events
L&D SHAKERS is an international community for Learning & Development professionals that meet, share, learn and accelerate their careers.
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39 Going

Playground: Dear Perfection, let’s break up

Past Event
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About Event

Have you ever wondered how your life would be without the constant pressure for perfection? 😩

I often encounter people, situations, and projects that don’t evolve or never start due to unrealistic high standards and the fear of not meeting those expectations. 

As perfectionism and imposter syndrome feed on each other, breaking this vicious cycle can be challenging. Yet, awareness and first baby steps are necessary to minimize its consequences. ✌️

In this experimental session, we will: 

👉 Increase awareness of the root causes and the damages these two can cause. 
👉 Get to know strategies and tips on how to minimize their impact. 
👉 Pair up and work on your own private challenges and solutions. 
👉 Become more brave & effective in your work

About the host:

Magdalena is a Career, Business & Mindset Coach, Entrepreneur, Emotional Intelligence Analyst, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner with over 10 years of Business and Leadership experience in the technology space.  

Over the last five years, she developed a passion for spiritual science, including astrology, human design, and energy healing.   

She currently lives in the lovely, sunny city of Barcelona, Spain, with her faithful companion and work buddy, Sando, her dog. :) 

The L&D Shakers Playgrounds are experimental interactive workshops allowing you to try out a new tool, a facilitation method, a game, or a part of a workshop while getting relevant feedback from peers in a safe and fun environment. It's a safe space to try things out and fail forward.

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Presented by
L&D Shakers Events
L&D SHAKERS is an international community for Learning & Development professionals that meet, share, learn and accelerate their careers.
Hosted By
39 Going