Cover Image for Pitch like an astronaut (crocodile wrestler)
Cover Image for Pitch like an astronaut (crocodile wrestler)
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Pitch like an astronaut (crocodile wrestler)

Past Event
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About Event

A 45-minute workshop to learn how to answer "What do you do?"

So your reply is as memorable as an astronaut landing on the moon and planting their flag.

There is so much vagueness at networking events and in LinkedIn headlines when we tell people what we do.

Being vague puts the responsibility on the listener to figure it out.

This is the hardest way to start a great conversation.

A conversation which could lead to new clients, referrals, and people promoting you.

What if you said something that started a fun conversation and made you memorable?

So memorable that over two years later, people come back and pitch you your pitch and give you work.

This happened to me when I ditched my old "I help X do Y" pitch and replaced it with:

"I'm a crocodile wrestler."

Now, many people reach out with curious smiles, asking me to tell them more. 

At this workshop, I will NOT show you how to be shocking for the sake of it.

Instead, I'll share the Harvard Business Review article that inspired me.

And hopefully, it will inspire you to stand out.

What's in it for you?

After I share the logic.

A pitch structure

A few examples: you'll have the opportunity to have a go yourself.

And you'll leave the session with a new perspective on how to plant a flag in the attention of the people you speak with.

Who the heck am I?

I'm Martin. When I'm not wrestling crocodiles, I use my 24 years of experience as a creative director in advertising, design, events, and feature films. To ensure that leaders who speak at conferences are the best speakers at the event.

Clients include:

Mercedes, The VW Group China, BMW, Cartier, Dior, Google, ByteDance, The NBA, The British Embassy Beijing. Tech South West, TechSPARK, RARE Founders, Software Cornwall and Digital Catapult. 


10mins of theory 

35mins of practice

Share your 30-second networking pitch. 

Improve from 3 rounds of feedback:

  1. Self-reflection

  2. Peer discussion

  3. On the spot-coaching

Return to earth with a better networking pitch than when you took off. Zero crocodile bites lots of smiles.

The Innovation Centre Broad Quay Bath BA1 1UD
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32 Going