Cover Image for Narrow Banking in Switzerland: Study and Project Introduction
Cover Image for Narrow Banking in Switzerland: Study and Project Introduction
66 Went
Private Event

Narrow Banking in Switzerland: Study and Project Introduction

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Thomas K. Birrer
Past Event
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About Event

Narrow banking offers a secure model where client deposits are held safely without risky lending or other traditional banking practices. It is not a new idea, but for Switzerland, with its economically important banking sector, it would be a novel business model.

Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) conducted a market study via guided interviews to determine the Serviceable and Addressable Market (SAM) in Switzerland. Professor Birrer, responsible for the study, will present the results.

​In a second part, a "Swiss Narrow Bank" project team currently looking for funding, is presenting a possible implementation in Switzerland and is explaining advantages of a potential narrow bank:

  • Yield: Higher yield than any current account, with low payment costs

  • Safety: Safer than any other bank

  • Innovation: Better than any stablecoin or deposit token, making Switzerland web3-ready

​The event is targeted at the study participants and potential professional and institutional investors for a Swiss narrow bank (e.g. pension funds, asset managers, venture funds etc.).

Uncover these latest industry insights - RSVP today (approval required)!


  • 18h00-18h30: Registration

  • 18h30-18h50: Swiss Narrow Banking study results

  • 18h50-19h20: Swiss Narrow Bank Project introduction

  • 19h20-19h30: Q&A

  • 19h30-20h30: Apero and networking

PS: Room and dial-in will be provided with registration confirmation.

Hochschule Luzern – Informatik
Campus Zug-Rotkreuz, Suurstoffi 1, 6343 Risch-Rotkreuz, Switzerland
66 Went