Hosted By
742 Went
Featured in
Consensus by CoinDesk
MagnetAI Open House Austin
Hosted by Magnet Labs & WebZero
Past Event
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About Event
Join MagnetAI & Friends for a day packed with alpha content curated for AI and crypto enthusiasts at the MagnetAI Open House.
Meet the minds behind MagnetAI, learn more about the potential of AI and blockchain technology during keynote speeches and deep dive panel discussions, or just hang around to network with peers.
You will be greeted by a stunning location with indoor pool, free drinks, amazing food and some more surprises!
Sign up now or FOMO later!
Doors Open: 2 pm
Content Block I:
2:30 pm~2:45 pm Opening & Keynote
3:00 pm~3:45 pm Panel I: Decentralized AI Infra 101
Content Block II:
4:30pm~5:15pm Panel II: On-chain AI: The real Open AI
Social Hour: 5:15 pm - 8 pm
Hosted By
742 Went