Cover Image for MVP Wednesday

MVP Wednesday

Hosted by Frontdoor Labs
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

​What are MVP Wednesday's?

​From 5:30pm - 6pm on select Wednesday’s, we collect a small group of founders and builders together to get to know what each other is building, share a demo/something they’ve recently built and get feedback on product/decks/demos etc.

​What's the format?

​Each week 2 teams/individuals will showcase what they're building, working on or just something they want feedback on. Each showcase will be 5-10 mins with 10-15 mins of subsequent discussion and feedback from the group.

​Do I have to prepare anything?

​Not at all - we're hoping for this to be a casual, end-of-day affair, with some drinks and snacks. It's an opportunity to get to know some of the community better but also share what you're working on and get some helpful insights along the way.