HealthTech Challenge Launch & Networking Event
Calling all entrepreneurs, start-up enthusiasts, people with a passion for healthcare, and anyone with a curious mind for the LBS HealthTech Challenge 2024! You can win up to £20,000 for your HealthTech startup ideas!
Join us for the 9th year of the HealthTech Challenge. The HealthTech Challenge is a pitch competition hosted by the LBS Healthcare Club for HealthTech Startup ideas. Top prize is £10,000 for the best idea. This year, we are excited to announce an additional prize for £10,000 for the best idea that meets one of 3 critical NHS priorities:
Optimising care of long-term conditions (starting with CVD)
Ensuring the right care setting to reduce harm (starting with the acute pathway)
Supporting children and young people's mental health
Anyone can participate as long as at least one team member is a student or researcher affiliated with an academic institution!
Timeline for this year:
Round 1 Application: Due January 26, 2024
Round 2 Pitch Deck: Due February 28, 2024
Round 3 Final Pitches: In Person April 4, 2024
Curious to learn more or get involved??? Come to our Launch & Networking Event to hear some ideas and find a team.
Where: London Business School, Sussex Place, Park Restaurant Suite 1
When: January 10th, 2024 7PM - 9PM
7:00 - 7:15 Sign In & Welcome
7:15 - 7:30 HealthTech Challenge 2024 Overview
7:30 - 7:45 Hear from Past Participants
7:45 - 8:00 Q&A
8:00 - 9:00 Open Floor for Idea Pitches & Networking for teammates
You can find more information here: https://www.londonhealthtechchallenge.
APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN - https://forms.gle/d9tdFQuwPHrWV14E7
We will have a virtual option for the Overview, Q&A with past participants, and Q&A with the audience.
Meeting ID: 934 9571 4085 Passcode: 227741
Can't attend but still want to participate? Fill out this form to be added to our mailing list for updates: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjkEaPw5lXeXBsC2G4aBNp1MXke-PAY8wQoBWXU1Nvmp2chA/viewform
Dress Casual (jeans ok)
Food Provided (Beer, wine, and light bites)