Cover Image for H.E.R. DAO  Strategy Workshop

H.E.R. DAO Strategy Workshop

Hosted by H.E.R. DAO
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

The future of H.E.R. DAO is bright and we would love you to be a part of it!

We want to use the collective wisdom of supporters and community members to convene a day of strategic thinking and planning to build the road map for 2023.

We know it includes hackerhouses, and the evolution of the hackerhouse - the start up house.

We know it involves raising operational reserves, sustainable income streams and launching scalable businesses.

The question is how – and in what form?

What’s the best way to move forward? Efficiently, ethically and prosperously.

We’re asking you to be a part of helping us create this vision and framework.

We invite partners, experts, advisors and community members to usher in the next audacious era of H.E.R. DAO!