FUTURE STATE: An action-oriented unconference that gathers a diverse community of practitioners in urban planning, legal innovation, industry, community, and political economy. FUTURE STATE is committed to exploring the cutting edge of movements that seek to activate diasporas, create new cities, SEZs, and redefine land ownership through innovative governance and legal frameworks. It's an opportunity to connect with those who share your vision and are ready to bring that vision into reality.
Event Schedule:
6-6:30 PM – Networking and Interest Groups:
Upon arrival, you'll receive a flyer guiding you to discussions on specially curated topics for immediate, meaningful connections
7-8 PM – Lightning Talks:
A series of enlightening presentations from thought leaders will delve into significant areas:
Welcome and Introduction to Future State - Unveiling the foundational ideas behind Network States
Belarus Network State by Ray Svitla - Detailing efforts to create a SEZ for the Belarusian diaspora
New City Development with Hong Kong Diaspora Experience by Clement Ngu - Sharing insights on new urban areas for the Hong Kong diaspora
A Sanctuary Nation is a Network Nation - Liam and David presents the AstralShip's vision for the Welsh Government's Strategic Plan.
Fairehold and new forms of Land Ownership - David and Alastair (Open System Labs)
Emergency State Infrastructure - Giuseppe and David (Odyssean Institute) describe a human centered approach to the development of a digital emergency infrastructure for failed states
Rebuild Ukraine - Exploring the unique contributions and journey of the Ukraine diaspora
8pm-LATE – Topic Discussions and Event Reflection:
The event concludes with in-depth discussions on the presented themes, followed by a reflective session that highlights the insights and connections developed throughout the event.