Jnana Yajna with Swami Ishwarananda
Hosted by Chinmaya Mission Toronto
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Vedanta Chintanam
~ Contemplations on Vedanta ~
What is Vedanta and what is its value in my life?
Vedanta Chintanam is a practical guide to how we can live a life that is happy, fulfilled, and enlightened.
Book that we will follow is Living Vedanta:
Online: https://chinmayatoronto-bookstore.square.site/product/living-vedanta/223
Physically at the ashram before and after the session
Attend in person for an incomparable experience of learning from the Guru. All events will be held at Chinmaya Shivalaya, 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, www.chinmayatoronto.org
To offer sponsorships, bhiksha or seva please contact Vinod (416.666.9141) or Vijaya (416.768.0250)