Cover Image for Empower Positive Change

Empower Positive Change

Hosted by Gentle Facts | Jen Ma
Past Event
Suggested Price
Minimum $10.00
Welcome! To join the event, please get your ticket below.
About Event

"Why won’t they just listen!?" Trying to correct someone's belief in misinformation often feels like banging your head against a wall.

We've all been there—showing them evidence, referencing scientific experts and studies, talking them through the logic—only to be dismissed and discouraged.

The truth is, debunking doesn't work if they don't want to change.

Why? Because challenging one's own beliefs is hard, especially when those beliefs are tied to their identities. When we tell people they are wrong, it is often perceived as an attack, triggers resistance, and can damage our relationship. 

That doesn’t mean we have to agree or avoid discussions just to keep peace. 

Research suggests that a more effective way to foster an open mind and positive change is by drawing out their own motivation for change that aligns with their values. This approach emphasizes collaboration, autonomy, and empowerment.   

Through this workshop, we will cover

  • evidence-based approaches to help people find their own motivation for positive change, 

  • how to offer relevant information to empower instead of confront, 

  • how to build a compassionate partnership even during difficult conversations.

We encourage you to bring examples for role-play and discussion. 

We are limiting the number of spots to ensure you get the most out of this workshop. Register to secure your spot!

Dr. Jennifer Ma is scientist-turned-artist and science communicator. Her latest project, Gentle Facts combats online hate and misinformation by spreading compassion and facts. She envisions a world where talking about science brings people closer together. 

Financial Support
A lot of research and work has gone into this workshop, which is currently valued at $50. To make this workshop more accessible, we offer a sliding scale starting from $10. Your contribution will help support this work and allow us to bring it to more people.