Cover Image for Thursday Mandarin  星期四   华语祷告祭坛 at EL Shaddai Prayer Altar

Thursday Mandarin 星期四 华语祷告祭坛 at EL Shaddai Prayer Altar

Hosted by EL Shaddai Prayer Altar & Grace Wee
This is a multi-session event. Please choose the sessions you would like to register for.
About Event

ELSPA Intercessory Team ELSPA代祷团

19 October 2023 onwards flow based on Matthew 6:33

6:00 am worship and intercession

6:20 am Sharing of Word and Holy Communion by Pr Jason Loh

6:50am- 8:00am Worship and thanksgiving

Word before Holy Communion

_Our Past_

17/2/2022 New download 新的下载(启示)

In our 7:14am altar, it is His Holy of Holies. So, saints of the most The Most High come before the altar NOT to seek forgiveness or repentance.

But knowing that it has already been dealt with by God in your personal closet(outer court) with the Lord. Therefore, alway shave your personal time and pray + repentance unceasingly. Do come before God boldly in 7:14am.

God downloaded another warning to all of us again. Guard the Web. The enemy will use it against His kingdom.
神再次的对我们下载了另一个警告 - 防守网络。仇敌会再次的用网络攻击神的国度。

So, Matt 3:6,16.
‪Matthew‬3:6,16 NKJV
6 and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.……16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
‪马太福音‬3:6,16 和合本
6 承认他们的罪,在约旦河里受他的洗。……16 耶稣受了洗,随即从水里上来。天忽然为他开了,他就看见 神的灵仿佛鸽子降下,落在他身上。

It is an altar to war Kingdomly. Put the outter court behind. We are entering the Holy of Holies every time we are in ELSPA ZoomIn. Hallelujah!
这是神国度争战的祭坛。把外院放在身后。每次我们在ELSPA Zoomin,我们已经进入神的至圣所

EL Shaddai Prayer Altar (ELSPA) Intercessory Focus
EL Shaddai 祷告祭坛(ELSPA)代祷焦点

1. Intercede for His Kingdom as revealed by God 在神的启示下为神的国度代祷

• Carry out 24/7 Spirit-led intercessory prayers on both physical & online platform 是一个24小时7天在圣灵引导下进行的代祷平台,包括实体及线上
• Intercede for the watch person & intercessors chosen for the revival in Malaysia.是为着神所拣选的,为马来西亚复兴守望者及代祷者们代祷
• Be His mouth piece as He reveals and releases His Word.

Participation of intercession in ELSPA

ELSPA has been dedicated and consecrated to the Lord to be a holy & dignified forum for intercession for the nations. It is not the numbers that ELSPA is looking for, but people who are called and have a genuine desire to come together as ONE, united by a common objective of interceding for the nations. John 17 which has been released by God on it’s initial start-up is a reminder that God looks at the condition of our hearts instead of any other efforts.
ELSPA祷告祭坛是一个被分别为圣、脱俗归主成为圣洁,专为列国代祷的祭坛。数目不是ELSPA 所看重的,乃是那被神呼召并有真正渴望彼此连接、合而为一,并为着共同的目标为列国祷告的代祷着。约翰福音十七章是神在祭坛被建立的初期所释放的,用于提醒我们 神看重的是内心的状况过于其他的付出。

We will abide by the following key principles:-

● Participation in ELSPA is by invitation only. Any interested person can request to join ELSPA by register to this site; which will be reviewed by the Oversight Team, whose decision will be final.

● All participants are to ensure the respect and decorum of ELSPA be maintained at all times; especially in recognition that ELSPA is for all denominations and to the submission to the leadership of ELSPA. Participants are reminded that ELSPA desires to see God's love manifested in action and any form of disturbance, distraction and disruption will not be tolerated. It may also result in the participant having to withdraw from ELSPA - to preserve the unity and sanctity of ELSPA, they will be required to withdraw from, and bless ELSPA.
所有的参与者需确保尊重并随时保持ELSPA祭坛的礼仪;特别是因为ELSPA祭坛是开放给各宗派的代祷着,必需要顺服ELSPA 的领导层。参与者需切记ELSPA祭坛渴望看见神的爱彰显在我们的行为上,所以任何的干扰,分心及扰乱的作为是不能被容忍的。这也很可能导致参与者被要求祝福并抽离ELSPA祭坛,为的是保存祭坛的合一及圣洁。

● Any feedback or comments concerning ELSPA or individuals should be made to the Oversight Team and not made openly in the Zoom Chatbox.

Note: Thursday is mandarin prayer altar at 7:14am (