Cover Image for FutureX x Enterprise Ethereum Alliance: Special Event

FutureX x Enterprise Ethereum Alliance: Special Event

Hosted by Maggi Xu & 3 others
Registration Closed
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About Event

What to expect:

​Calling Toronto blockchain businesses and leaders. Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) is coming to Toronto on its World tour! Come and meet EEA's Executive Director, Dan Burnett, as we discuss real concerns, challenges and experiences about your business-use of Ethereum, or lack thereof. EEA wants to understand challenges to blockchain adoption by traditional businesses, in particular Ethereum mainnet-based adoption. EEA will use the collected findings to help address your concerns and to accelerate business adoption of Ethereum around the globe.

This is an exclusive event with Toronto blockchain business leaders. Snacks & coffee will be provided!

About FutureX:

FutureX is a women-led technology consulting firm that helps company leaders to understand and integrate emerging technologies into their businesses, including legal services, product-market-fit analysis, and go-to-market strategies. Currently, its clientele spans the DeFi, NFT, and Web3 sectors. FutureX seeks to shake up a culture where it’s extremely difficult for women to launch technology startups, build meaningful support network, and raise capital. It hosts themed in-person events to showcase female entrepreneurs and leaders, and build meaningful connections between Toronto technology founders, builders, investors and leaders, so we can all support each other on our ventures and journeys.

​About Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA):

​Formed in 2017 with an initial focus on private/consortium use of Ethereum just to get businesses using it, over the past few years the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance has evolved into a broad-based membership organization promoting the use of Ethereum as a business platform by all businesses large and small, with Board members from across the spectrum:  Microsoft, EY, Ethereum Foundation, Banco Santander, Palm NFT, ConsenSys, and more.