Cover Image for Broadening participation in field-based science through virtual field trips

Broadening participation in field-based science through virtual field trips

Hosted by SDSS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office
Past Event
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Historically, geosciences are among the least diverse fields within STEM areas. Fieldwork is an important element in geoscience studies. However, field activities often present limitations for those with a disability or with other personal constraints, including economic barriers, becoming an entry barrier. 

The past year, however, has spurred the development of virtual learning experiences that can be leveraged to reduce barriers to participation in in-person field activities as well as providing alternatives to in-person field experiences that are more accessible and more equitable.

Join us to learn more about how Stanford Earth is expanding accessibility through the creation and use of virtual field trips. Ryan Petterson, director of Field Education at Stanford Earth, will share some lessons learned as well as how instructors can use these technologies to help address issues of accessibility during field trips when combined with inclusive teaching methods. There will be space for participants to share ideas and experiences.

The National Disability Employment Awareness Month is held each October to commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. The theme for NDEAM 2021, ‘America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,’ reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please consider that during the event there will be a demonstration with moving images. If you suffer vertigo or any kind of epilepsy, please let us know in advance so we can be prepared. To request any other accommodations, please send an email to Isabel Carrera Zamanillo at by October 14, 2021.

Additional resources:

The Stanford Earth Celebrates series has a relevant article on Why discuss disability in the geosciences? and on Why discuss mental health in academia?

For further disability resources at Stanford University, visit the resource page created by the Disability Staff Forum (includes information for students as well).