Cover Image for DECODE Innovation Conference 2022 at San Francisco Bay Area

DECODE Innovation Conference 2022 at San Francisco Bay Area

Hosted by DECODE
Registration Closed
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About Event

Bay Area’s Largest Student-Run Tech & Entrepreneurship Conference

About this event

What You Will Get

  • Face-to-face conversations with at least 1 conference speaker (in-person)

  • Networking opportunities with guaranteed connections to at least 3 outstanding peers/mentors (in-person)

  • Non google-able industry insights from distinguished thought leaders

  • Advice to help you avoid making costly mistakes in life

Featured Speakers

Casey Winters, Chief Product Officer at Eventbrite

Dr. Gunnar Hauptmann, EVP & Head of Programme at St. Gallen Symposium

Esther Wojcicki, Founder of Moonshots in Education and 'Godmother of Silicon Valley'

Jack McCauley, Co-Founder and Former Chief Engineer at Oculus VR

Keith Enright, Chief Privacy Officer at Google

Richard Lyons, Chief Innovation and Entrepreneurship Officer at UC Berkeley

Other Exciting Activities

5th & 6th November at 11:30am - 12:30pm : Informal networking session for all conference attendees

This session is open to anyone who has a valid entry pass for the day, and wants to meet other members in the DECODE community, including our team, past and current speakers, as well as other attendees of the conference.

6th November at 17:30pm - 20:30pm : Web3 Afterparty (Tentative)

This session is open to anyone who has a valid entry pass for Day 2, and for attendees who would like to meet others in the Web3 space, and/or want to meet other members in the DECODE community.

Alcohol will be served to only those above age 21.

Opportunities in Uncertain Times

DECODE Innovation Conference is a 2-day on-site summit in the Bay Area, with live streaming to a worldwide audience.

Our theme this year is "Opportunities in Uncertain Times", and we strive to provide a platform for industry leaders and an audience of innovative thinkers to accelerate the discoveries of technological breakthroughs and avant-garde business models amidst the current macroeconomy outlook.

Our goal is to bring together outstanding entrepreneurs, investors, students, young professionals, and many others, for dynamic discussion and exchange of bold ideas, unconventional insights, and career opportunities.

Conference Logistics

Virtual Livestream sessions:

Available for anyone and everyone around the world to participate.

In-person sessions:

Mostly invite-only, with limited entry passes for sale on Eventbrite and limited spaces onsite.

We prioritize these types of individuals for our private invitations:

  • Individuals who have domain expertise relevant to our speakers

  • Individuals who have been intentional about their professional development and growth

  • Individuals who have unique experiences and can value add to other attendees

  • Individuals coming from under-resourced and/or under-privileged communities. Please share with us more about your background and story.

If you are interested to receive an invite and/or unable to obtain the entry pass via Eventbrite, please approach any member of the DECODE team or email with your LinkedIn profile and a short pitch of yourself.

About Us

DECODE is a non-profit organization with a mission to democratize knowledge and opportunities around the future of work in tech and entrepreneurship, and bridge academia with industry. Our mission is achieved through 3 main pillars: thought leadership events, industry-driven research, and immersive experiences.

With roots from being the largest tech and innovation conference co-hosted with UC Berkeley and Stanford students and alumni, we want to democratize knowledge and opportunities around the future of work in tech and entrepreneurship, and bridge academia with industry.