Cover Image for Dan Roam's Pop-Up Pitch:
How to discover and communicate your best ideas quickly through visual storytelling.
Private Event

Dan Roam's Pop-Up Pitch: How to discover and communicate your best ideas quickly through visual storytelling.

Hosted by Axelle Vanquaillie
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About Event

We’re delighted to announce a 1-hour online workshop with communication and visualization expert Dan Roam!

In this high-energy and interactive session, Dan will weave together new cognitive science, classic storytelling, and simple sketching to show how anyone can clearly communicate any concept in minutes, using nothing but a pen and paper. If you can draw a stick figure, you can quickly share your idea, no matter how complex.  

Both Dan Roam and Drawify are on a mission to make people and businesses use the power of drawings to convey their message with impact!  It’s all about turning complex ideas into crystal clear drawings and offering that major skill to everyone. 

Dan Roam is the author of five internationally bestselling books on business-visualization and communication clarity. "The Back of the Napkin" was named by Fast Company, The London Times, and BusinessWeek as the 'Creativity Book of the Year.' Dan is a creative director, author, painter, and model-builder. His purpose in life is to make complex things clear by drawing them and to help others do the same. Dan has helped leaders at Google, Microsoft, Allbirds, Boeing, Gap, IBM, the US Navy, and the Obama White House solve complex problems with simple pictures. Dan and his whiteboard have appeared on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and NPR. Dan's newest book, "The Pop-Up Pitch" was just published by Hachette Public Affairs.