Beyond Borders: Discovering Web3 Frontiers in Hong Kong
Join us at Chainlink Labs for an evening of rich dialogue and networking, exploring the forefront of blockchain and Web3 in Asia's World City.
🎙️ Expert Panels & Keynotes
Expect a wealth of expert insights from distinguished industry figures, including
Hon. Duncan Chiu — Legislative Council Member (Technology & Innovation Constituency), Hong Kong
Eddie Lau — CEO of Arta Global Markets Limited
Sandy Peng — Co-founder of Scroll
as they share their strategic perspectives on the Web3 landscape.
Co-Founder of Chainlink, Sergey Nazarov, is also set to provide his perspective of the Web3 ecosystem from the lens of Chainlink.
Post-keynotes, engage in a panel discussion with Chainlink BUILD program members, delving into blockchain collaboration and innovation.
🎟️ Registration
Register with your legal name and bring matching government-issued ID. Admission is first-come, first-served.
📸 Photography Consent
Attendance at this event implies consent for your image to be used in promotional and marketing materials.
🗓️ Save the Date
14:00 Networking and Mingle
14:30 Kickoff with Hon. Duncan Chiu
14:45 Chainlink Co-Founder Sergey Nazarov's Insights
15:20 Arta Global Markets Limited Eddie’s Address
15:45 Scroll Co-Founder Sandy Peng’s Address
16:00 BUILD Panel Discussion
16:40 Extended Networking
Mark your calendars and register now for an unforgettable afternoon of discovery and networking with Chainlink Labs.
We can't wait to welcome you to Beyond Borders: Discovering Web3 Frontiers in Hong Kong.
我們誠摯地邀請您參與Chainlink Labs所舉辦的盛會—一場集結深度對話、業界交流及對區塊鏈與Web3技術未來趨勢的前瞻性探討。本活動將聚焦於亞洲市場,特別是全球金融中心—香港的動向,適合業內所有專業人士及愛好者齊聚一堂。
🎙️ 專題研討與主旨演講
邱達根先生— 香港特別行政區立法會議員 (科技創新界)
Eddie Lau— Arta Global Markets Limited 首席執行官
Sandy Peng— Scroll 聯合創辦人
與此同時,Chainlink的聯合創始人Sergey Nazarov將提出他對於Web3生態系統的獨到見解,這些洞見將基於Chainlink的技術與應用實踐。
在主題演講環節結束後,將有一場小組討論,屆時Chainlink BUILD Program的成員將集思廣益,深入探究區塊鏈在合作模式、企業策略和技術創新方面的最新進展。
🎟️ 報名事宜
📸 攝影授權聲明
🗓️ 萬勿錯過
14:00 Networking
14:30 邱達根先生開幕致辭
14:45 Chainlink 聯合創始人 Sergey Nazarov專題洞見
15:10 Arta Global Markets Limited 首席執行官 Eddie Lau 演說
15:25 Scroll 聯合創始人 Sandy Peng 演說
15:50 BUILD Program成員專題研討
16:35 Networking
請即刻標記活動日期並進行報名,準備與Chainlink Labs一起開啟一段精彩紛呈的探索之旅。
我們期待在「Beyond Borders: Discovering Web3 Frontiers in Hong Kong」活動中,與您共同探索業界新契機。