Cover Image for Bodhisattva Training for Daily Life with Stephan Pende

Bodhisattva Training for Daily Life with Stephan Pende

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Bodhisattva Training for Daily Life with Stephan Pende

Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27, 10-11:30 am

Find deeper peace in challenging times, discover meaning in uncertainty, and address anxiety by relying on kindness. These teachings are suitable for beginners and experienced students, offering practical tools to awaken bodhichitta in daily life and meditations to deepen our experience of emptiness.

 Online only via Zoom: (password: 108108)
or 301-715-8592 to join by phone. Meeting ID: 545 039 806 

In these teachings we explore The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva. Relating to traditional Buddhist practices and texts authentically can be challenging for us in the West. The texts are incredibly powerful, but come from a different cultural context, making it difficult to move beyond intellectual understanding and perfunctory repetition. In this course, we will challenge ourselves to bring the wisdom of this text into our own lives and relationships.

The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, one of the most revered texts in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, was written by the tenth century Tibetan master Tokme Zongpo. Its inspiring verses convey the entire Mahayana path of compassion. It describes the practices and attitudes of the awakening rebel who wants to heal, grow up, and wake up for the benefit of all. We will work towards allowing this wisdom to touch our hearts and transform our lives.

Stephan Pende Wormland, MA in clinical psychology, is trained in Gestalt therapy. He has studied and practiced meditation in multiple Buddhist traditions for over 30 years and spent 5 years in meditation retreats. Stephan was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and teaches meditation in Buddhist centers in Europe.

Additional Materials

The recommended text for this course is Reflections on Silver River by Ken McLeod.

“The Thirty-SevenPractices of All the Bodhisattvas” by Gyalse Tokme Zangpo

37 Practices of a Bodhisattva by Ken McLeod (Verses only)

Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship

by Alexander Berzin (Book)

The Dynamics of a Healthy Student-Teacher Relationship by Dr. Alexander Berzin (Article)

images/photos by: Patricia Frazão Pereira @zenproduction_copenhagen