Cover Image for Ethereum Frontiers Africa
Cover Image for Ethereum Frontiers Africa
Avatar for Borderless Africa
Presented by
Borderless Africa
Past Event
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About Event

Ethereum Frontiers Africa will bring together Ethereum core contributors and builders from across Africa for an engaging day!

The purpose of the summit is to cross pollinate ideas and visions for the future of Web3, and to build together decentralized tools and protocols for the next billion users.

The summit features the largest number of global Ethereum devs & researchers Africa has hosted so far. It’s a chance for African builders to engage on Ethereum’s roadmap, ask questions, participate directly, and invite global builders to join Africa’s crypto movement.

Who is Ethereum Frontiers Africa for?

It’s for builders, devs, researchers, founders, artists, community and ecosystem leaders, educators, and individuals who are building the Web3 movement in Africa. It doesn't matter which chain or stack you are working on, as long as you are building, you are welcome!

This is not a marketing or promotional event. Discussions will be biased towards technical and adoption challenges. Markets/trading/speculation are explicitly out of scope from this event.

If you wish to participate please apply asap and you will hear from us shortly.

Flying from outside Kenya?

We would like to host you! Kenya has visa free entry which makes it ideal for anyone from across Africa and the world to join. 

We are offering a small number of scholarships to partially support travel costs for builders. There is a separate application for that which we will send for accepted applications.

What does the day look like?

Expect Q&As with both protocol contributors and African builders in the morning, and small group discussions and workshops in the afternoon dive further into a range of topics in the afternoon. Come ready to meet new people, build relationships, ask questions, and have open two-way dialogues.

The event is free, with catered lunch and tea/coffee.

Safari Park Hotel & Casino
Nairobi City, Kenya
Jambo Hall, use Gate 1 or Gate 2 to enter.
Avatar for Borderless Africa
Presented by
Borderless Africa