AITX is a community for AI engineers, entrepreneurs, operators, and enthusiasts. At AITX, we're passionate about fostering a diverse and thriving AI community in Texas.


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Aug 13
Cover Image for AITX San Antonio - Monthly Meetup

AITX San Antonio - Monthly Meetup

By Jake O'Shea
Boeing Center at Tech Port
Aug 27
Cover Image for AITX Monthly Meetup

AITX Monthly Meetup

By Jake O'Shea
Capital Factory
Sep 10
Cover Image for AITX San Antonio - Monthly Meetup

AITX San Antonio - Monthly Meetup

By Jake O'Shea
Boeing Center at Tech Port
Sep 24
Cover Image for AITX Monthly Meetup

AITX Monthly Meetup

By Jake O'Shea
Capital Factory