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Cover Image for AI Salon Turin
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Past Event
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About Event

1) Introduction by Lorenzo Verna

Multi-Agent Conversational Systems: Redefining AI Interactivity

Multi-agent conversational AI goes beyond responses to perform real actions, enhancing customer experience and streamlining operations. exemplifies this potential, showcasing the transformative value of task-driven AI.

2) First Startup pitch by Clearbox

Clearbox AI offers Synthetic Data generation solutions that help companies preserve data privacy, augment data quality and automate testing in AI and Analytics projects.

3) Second Startup pitch by LOKI - Laboratory Of Key Innovations

LOKI improves road infrastructure monitoring, leveraging AI, IMU, high-res cameras and GNSS. The hardware can be installed on any vehicle to easily detect, geolocate, and classify road defects

19.30 - Networking aperitif offered by Synesthesia

Talent Garden
Via Giuseppe Giacosa, 36/38, 10125 Torino TO, Italy
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