Cover Image for AI Tools for Business Owners
Cover Image for AI Tools for Business Owners
22 Went

AI Tools for Business Owners

Hosted by Aaron Orcino & 3 others
Registration Closed
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About Event

During this 90 minute workshop, we'll guide you through the latest tools and technologies that are shaping the future of business.

Go after funding with Grant Genius, AI Grant Writing Bot
Majeid Crawford, NCLF: Executive Director

Automating LinkedIn Outreach to increase revenue using Omni
RJ Moscardon, AI Migos: Business Consultant/Co-Founder

Get your time back with Process Automation
Michael Sharratt, 4SpotConsulting: Automations Team Lead

This event is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners eager to explore the transformative potential of AI tools in the business landscape. Whether you're just starting to dip your toes into the world of AI or you're looking to deepen your understanding and application of these technologies, this session promises to be an invaluable resource.

This is your chance to connect with like-minded business owners and visionaries, all while gaining insights that could redefine the way you think about and implement AI in your business.

Event produced by the SF Filipino American Chamber of Commerce and AI Migos.

Dynamico Space - Coworking & Office Rental
447 Sutter St 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
The venue is inside of the Philippine Consulate on the 3rd floor. You'll need to go to the front door and through a metal detector with the security attendant. After that you'll be directed to use an elevator to proceed to Dynamico on the 3rd floor.
22 Went