Data Viz DC Meetup: Data Art & Generative AI for Data Visualization
Join the Data Visualization DC Meetup for an event on Generative AI and Digital Art, looking at the intersection of Data Science, Visual Design, UI/UX, Art, Psychology, and Business Intelligence. We'll have a hands on session for using Generative AI to create data visualizations, a look at the role of digital art as a tool for coping with the dark side of data, and celebrate the end of the year! https://www.meetup.com/data-visualization-dc/events/304271303/
5:30-6:30p Food & Drink
6:30-7:00p - Generating Data Visualizations with Prompts! - Banjo Obayomi
7:00-7:15p - Memory Burn: Digital Art and Adverse Data - Chris MacNeil
7:15-8:00p Data Art & Generative AI talks, presentations, and galleries:
In and out of focus - Shri Khalpada
ControlNet demo for accurate GenAI viz - Will Angel
Workshop: Generating Data Visualizations with Prompts! - Banjo Obayomi
Memory Burn: Digital Art and Adverse Data - Chris MacNeil
Many professionals who work with data in fields such as open source investigation, content moderation, data analysis, trust and safety, criminal justice, journalism, intelligence, and related fields are often forced to deal with troubling and psychologically distressing data including images, video, and other materials. Frequent exposure to such "sensitive content" can lead to PTSD, depression, anxiety, burnout and other negative outcomes. "Memory Burn" is a term I have coined to describe the lasting effect particularly distressing data can leave on a person's mind.
Outside of my tech role, I am an artist as well as a fitness and wellness professional. I will discuss how digital art creation and appreciation can be a therapeutic option for professionals dealing with the psychological challenges of adverse data and other occupation hazards. I will also speak about the physical implications of adverse data, and methods to mitigate and alleviate them.
in and out of focus - Shri Khalpada
100 lines of javascript and a stock video of cat!
ControlNet demo for accurate GenAI viz - Will Angel
Demo of generating Accurate Charts with Stable Diffusion ControlNets.