Featured in
LA Climate Week
Part 2: Eco Narratives 🎞️Film, Fashion & Climate Storytelling
Hosted by Clementina “Sustainable Latina” & 4 others
Past Event
About Event
Due to the high demand from our in person event on Monday 9/9 we are offering a virtual event.
Filmmakers from around the globe will be participating and having these important discussions on climate storytelling 🎞️
Learn about the Climate Film Club and how you can stay connected ito view films and support of filmmakers implementing eco narratives 🌎
👉We will use your email address in order for us to share the ZOOM link with you.
Storytelling and film can be used as incredible tools to combat climate change, and film and media are effective ways to drive climate action. Compelling stories make climate change relatable and generate empathy and compassion and most importantly lead to long-lasting climate action.😊❤️