Pacific Meta Presents Tokyo Tuna Party Sponsored by FSL group and MetaMe
Get ready to dive into the future with Pacific Meta as we throw the most electrifying Tokyo Tuna Party as a TeamZ side event, brought to you in collaboration with Find Satoshi Lab group, N Suite and SNPIT!
The day will feature the latest presentations from Find Satoshi Lab group,MetaMe, N Suite, and SNPIT sponsors 🚀 Don't miss this opportunity!
Additionally, Pacific Meta Inc. will host the grand opening of Pacific Hub, the event venue set to become the Web3 hub in Japan!
To commemorate the opening, we will also have a "Tuna Cutting Show"! This will undoubtedly be an event not to be missed! (Invitation only)🌟
Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a web3 culture connoisseur, or just in for a good time, this is one Party you won't want to miss.
Let's light up the night and celebrate the dawn of a new era together!
Hosted by Pacific Meta, this is where the pulse of Web3 beats the loudest.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to network, celebrate, and be part of the future with us. Let's make waves in the heart of Tokyo – see you there! 🚀🍣🎊🐟✨
Pacific Meta Presents Tokyo Tuna party Sponsored by FSL group and MetaMeを開催します!
TeamZのサイドイベントとして、Pacific Meta Presents Tokyo Tuna party Sponsored by Find Satoshi Lab group and MetaMeを開催します。
協賛企業様:Find Satoshi Lab group、MetaMe、N Suite、SNPIT
当日はFind Satoshi Lab group、MetaMe、N Suite、SNPIT各協賛企業様からの最新の発表があります🚀この機会にぜひお見逃しなく!!!
さらに、株式会社Pacific Metaは日本でのWeb3ハブとなるべくイベント会場のPacific Hubのグランドオープンをいたします!
Pacific Metaが主催するこのイベントは、Web3の鼓動が最も大きく響く場所です。
Agenda (Preliminary)
19:00 - Door Open
19:20 - Opening Remarks
19:30 - Announcement
20:30 - Tuna cutting show
20:45 - Networking
22:00 - closing