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San Francisco
Bay Area Climate Tech meetup - MCJ Drinks & network - Oct 12 2023 5pm
Hosted by Matthieu Soulé & 3 others
Past Event
About Event
Hi everyone, we are already in the fall 2023 and it has been a great year already for MCJ collective with many events and new members joining. let's get together in South Bay (update: it will be in Mountain View) on Thursday October 12 starting 5pm!
Come meet up with the Bay Area MCJ members and the climatetech community.
More details about the MCJ climatetech community, content and membership: https://www.mcjcollective.com/
This will be a casual meetup, no set agenda.
Venue details: Beer garden Das Bierhauz in Mountain View - https://dasbierhauz.com/ - 135 Castro Street, Mountain View, California 94041 (Happy hours from 5 to 5:30pm if you want to join early for it)