Cover Image for Lights, pixels, action: Using video to drive explosive e-commerce growth
Cover Image for Lights, pixels, action: Using video to drive explosive e-commerce growth
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Lights, pixels, action: Using video to drive explosive e-commerce growth

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About Event

Are you struggling to make your online store shine brighter than the rest? As the holiday season approaches, the challenge to stand out becomes even more intense. With screens becoming the storefronts of today, it's time to harness the power of video marketing to deliver the results you need.

About this event

We teamed up with Vidico — the video pros behind the video success of global tech and e-commerce brands, like Square, Spotify, and The Oddie to unveil insider tips and strategies on leveraging video content for maximum ROI.

From creating compelling product videos to mastering the art of storytelling, you'll walk away with actionable takeaways to implement in your own marketing campaigns.

Meet our presenter

Michael Pirone is the co-founder of Vidico, a creative video agency that produces high-performing video content for growing tech and ecosystem brands. Vidico's brand video campaigns have achieved outstanding view rates with YouTube describing its content as best-in-class.

What you'll learn

  1. An overview of video marketing. Learn where video fits in the e-commerce marketing landscape and how video can drive e-commerce growth.

  2. Effective types of e-commerce videos. We will dig into what types of videos, hooks and tactics drive the best results today.

  3. Success stories. You'll learn how companies fit video into their mix and leverage creative collateral to maximize investment.

  4. How to implement video into your strategy. Learn how to create a successful video strategy to move customers through the funnel, from awareness to purchase.

  5. An overview of the ROI of video content. Discover how to track and measure the impact of video on your e-commerce business.

Get practical tips and tools to grow your online business. Join Choco Up for a fun ride to unlock your store's potential.