Careers in Industry AMA
Careers in industry AMA for physics and math PhDs.
Hosted by Academics in the Wild.
Special Guests:
Casey Jao, PhD in Mathematics → Quantum Software Engineer at Agnostiq
Jason Wien, PhD in Theoretical & Mathematical Physics → Staff Software Engineer at Uber
Dominic Widdows, PhD in Mathematics → Sr. Principal AI Scientist at IonQ
David Svoboda, PhD in Theoretical Physics → Quantitative Researcher at RSJ Securities
Aida Ahmadzadegan-Shapiro, PhD in Theoretical Physics → Co-Founder & CEO @ ForeQast
Moderated by Aggie Branczyk.
How it works:
Text-based, "Reddit-style" AMA on our Discord server
Channel opens 24 hours prior for question submissions (12pm EDT, Sep 18)
Live discussion and answers @ 12-1pm EDT, Sep 19
Why Attend:
Learn about various career paths and opportunities for physics & math PhDs
Get practical advice on job searching, networking, and skill development
Get the latest industry goss straight from the horse's (or lion's!) mouth
We look forward to seeing you there!
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