Cover Image for 14. #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik ~ BURNIN instead BURNOUT
Cover Image for 14. #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik ~ BURNIN instead BURNOUT
15 Went
Past Event
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About Event

We’re back with #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik 2025 season.

Začenjamo 2025 sezono #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik. Tokrat vabljeni v Kamnik v Kotlovnico.

Could you prevent your burnout?
How can we focus on burn-in?

We'll be discussing:

  • Is burnout different for employees in a big company, freelancers, or startup founders?

  • Personal experience of our guests

  • Self-care and energy levels

Attendance is free.

Due to the limited number of participants, please confirm your presence.

​*This event is not sponsored, endorsed, or operated by LinkedIn.


17:30 - 18:00 Networking, get together

18:00 - 18:30 Introduction by our hosts @Kotlovnica ”Prekarnost med mladimi” - Eva Klobčar

Eva will present the program she has been managing for the Kamnik—Domžale region, focusing on young people entering the workforce. As part of a new project co-financed by the EU, the Youth Center Kotlovnica teaches young people about the pitfalls of precarious work and their rights in the labor market.

18:30 - 20:00 Fireside chat with our guests Monika and Jon and get to know the attendees

20:00 - 21:00 Free conversation and more networking

Monika Povšič is an experienced marketing strategist with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing, sponsorship, and advertising industry. She is skilled in marketing strategy, brand management, digital and direct marketing, sales, and public relations. Her burnout turned her life upside down and made her set some boundaries that significantly changed her life. After spending 10 years in Ljubljana, she moved to Kamnik in 1999. She is a single mother of two and a huge sports fan who is recreationally into road cycling, swimming, and running.

Jon Butterfield is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor who spent the last five years at one of Europe’s largest Venture Capital firms, managing over €1bn in assets and working with 350+ portfolio companies. After burning out himself in 2015, and seeing countless founders go through the same, he became obsessed with understanding the problem. In 2024, he went all in, working alongside leading experts, founders, therapists, and psychologists worldwide to tackle burnout head-on. Jon is a passionate hockey player, motorcyclist, and mountain lover.

Why #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik?

​Join the LinkedIn event here and the LinkedIn group here.

​The purpose of #LinkedInLocal events is to create diverse connections between local LinkedIn members who would not meet otherwise. We would especially like to meet those who live in this area and are not fluent in Slovenian. That is why we host half of the events in English. Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to be a guest or if you would like to nominate an exciting guest. We’re always looking for venues and food and drink sponsors.

Read more about how it started in The Serendipity Drive of #LinkedInLocal - Your Neighbor in the Suburbs is Working on Something You Need.

​#LinkedInLocal movement is a meetup concept created by Anna McAffee, Erik Eklund, Alexandra Galviz, and Manu Goswami and started with 4 people in 4 cities in 2017.

O gostiteljih/About the hosts

Our LinkedIn profiles are in English, so here are the Slovenian bios!

Jasna Klemenc je trenutno edina Slovenka s prestižnim nazivom LinkedIn Top Voice. Kot globalna svetovalka podpira podjetja in strokovnjake pri razvoju LinkedIn strategij ter gradnji močnih profesionalnih osebnih znamk. Več kot 200 strokovnjakom je omogočila izboljšanje njihovega LinkedIn profila, ki izstopa v digitalnem in AI svetu. Razvila je operacijski sistem za poslovno mreženje, ki podjetjem omogoča rast prodaje, prihod na tuje trge, uspešne sejemske nastope, organizacijo dogodkov in grajenje partnerske mreže.

V Domžale se je preselila pred 13 leti, a po intenzivnem delu v startupih ugotovila, da lokalno ni spoznala veliko novih ljudi – razen staršev na dogodkih v vrtcu in šoli. Tako je začela zgodbo #LinkedInLocal Domžale Kamnik, ki povezuje lokalne strokovnjake, kreativce in podjetnike.

Jon Butterfield je v zadnjih 15 letih soustanovil in prodal več podjetij, med drugim tudi GetSocial, Nizozemsko tehnološko podjetje, ki razvija orodja za rast za mobilne igre.   Oblačni Den Haag je 2015 zamenjal za Kamnik, kjer živi z družino. Jon je v osnovi inženir in dizajner, vendar osredotočen na rast, produkt in marketing. Jon rad svetuje zagonskim podjetjem in je angelski investitor. Več kot tri leta je delal na Speedinvestu iz Dunaja, največjemu Evropskemu investitorju zagonskih podjetij.

Trenutno dela na novem projektu za ustvarjanje zdravega podjetniškega ritma s poudarkom na petih ključnih stebrih zdravja in sodeluje z vodilnimi strokovnjaki, ustanovitelji, terapevti in psihologi po vsem svetu. Je navdušen igralec hokeja, motorist in ljubitelj hribov.

Elina Komlanc je strastna podjetnica, marketinška strateginja in poslovna povezovalka z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami pri rasti B2B tehnoloških podjetij. Iz Ukrajine se je v Slovenijo preselila pred 15 leti, z željo po odkrivanju novih kultur in povezovanju podjetij preko meja.

S strokovnim znanjem organizacije mednarodnih sejmov po Evropi, Aziji in ZDA je razvila sistem za digitalno negovanje prodajnih priložnosti, ki maksimizira donosnost sejmov. Poleg marketinga jo navdušujejo mreženje, nove kulture in ustvarjanje globalnih poslovnih priložnosti. Elino navdušujejo plesi, najraje se zavrti v latino ritmih. Uživa v smučanju, potovanjih in raziskovanju novih krajev, pa se vedno z veseljem vrača v Dragomelj, kjer stanuje z možem, hčerko in kužkom.

Zavod Mladinski center Kotlovnica Kamnik
Fužine 10, 1241 Kamnik, Slovenia
15 Went