Crash Course: DAT Organic Chem 3
What: 3-hour crash course on high-yield Organic Chem 3 (all based on current DAT questions you have to know).
Taught by Bootcamp’s Ruben Mikaelyan, who scored a 25 AA, 30 Bio, 26 OC. Learn to think like a DAT expert.
What we'll cover:
Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes
Markovnikov Rxns
Hydride and Methyl Shifts
Acid-Catalyzed Hydration
Acid-Catalyzed Alcohol Addition
Hydrobromination with Peroxide
Epoxides and Dihydroxylations
Catalytic Hydrogenation
Thermodynamic vs Kinetic Products
Free Radical Halogens
Diels-Alder Reactions
Aromatic Compounds
☑️ High-yield and question application focused
☑️ Mnemonics and memory aids for helping info stick
☑️ Learn to think like an expert test taker
Prerequisite Coursework:
Prior to attending this Organic Chemistry 3 Crash Crash, please review Dr. Mike's Videos Chapters 7, 9 and 10
Why: Distill weeks of learning into 3 hours. Stop feeling like you're wasting time and let's learn faster, together.