Cover Image for Venture Summit: Building a Robust Venture Ecosystem
Cover Image for Venture Summit: Building a Robust Venture Ecosystem
160 Went

Venture Summit: Building a Robust Venture Ecosystem

Past Event
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About Event

The Startup Week Venture Summit is designed to equip founders and investors with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in today's competitive startup landscape. You’ll hear from growth and venture leaders across a series of fireside-style sessions, covering essential topics for driving growth, success and ROI.

Doors and registration opens at 8:30 am, program starts at 9:10 am. Coffee, snacks and lunch will be served.

Building High-Performance Ecosystems: Exploring the essential elements of a high-performance venture ecosystem, strategies for mobilizing capital, boosting ventures, and nurturing talent to drive entrepreneurial success.

Getting to Venture-Grade: What are the critical factors that contribute to a startup's success in achieving venture-grade status? How do VC firms evaluate investment opportunities and make funding decisions?

You’re Funded, Now What? Securing funding was only the first step. Learn about navigating post-funding challenges, maximizing investment, and scaling for long-term success.

The Rise of Venture Builders: Venture builders and studios are redefining how startups are launched and scaled. Exploring innovative models for concentrating capital, effort, and resources to accelerate the growth of promising companies.

Investing in Growth Leaders: Discussing the crucial role of growth leaders and operators in propelling high-potential teams to venture-grade startups, and operational businesses to hyper-growth enterprises.

Speakers include:

Startup Week Venture Summit is presented by Edmonton Unlimited & Alberta Enterprise Corporation

Edmonton Unlimited
10107 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB T5J 1W8, Canada
160 Went