Cover Image for Transitioning to Transparency: The Next Generation of the Nature Movement
Cover Image for Transitioning to Transparency: The Next Generation of the Nature Movement
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Ethic House
Our mission is to create a space for new collaboration, to share and spotlight innovative solutions and foster connection and community.
6 Going

Transitioning to Transparency: The Next Generation of the Nature Movement

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New York, New York
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About Event

​To build trust in the nature movement, showing where ​you are investing your money and who you are ​working with is key.

A growing number of private ​sector leaders are following in the footsteps of ​governments to transparently distribute billions of ​dollars to local land stewards.

Join Thomas Crowther to discover Restor Enterprise​– a tool born out of the need to bring transparency to ​nature footprints, to facilitate accountability and trust, ​and build a bottom up movement where finance is ​equitably distributed to local nature stewards.

​It will be an evening celebrating brave governments ​and businesses that are investing in local ​communities and bringing transparency to their ​nature portfolios in the process. ​Together, we are creating a world where all ​stakeholders have agency, where every action has a ​positive impact on people and nature.

Meet our speakers:

  • Tom Crowther, Founder of Restor and Professor of Ecology

  • Gail Gallie, Partner Nature2

  • Tim Christopherson, VP Climate Action Salesforce

  • Sarah Chapman, Chief Sustainability Officer Manulife

  • Juan Carlos Jintiach, Executive Secretary Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

  • Samuel Gantner, CEO Community Climate Solutions

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
New York, New York
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Presented by
Ethic House
Our mission is to create a space for new collaboration, to share and spotlight innovative solutions and foster connection and community.
6 Going