Cover Image for Knot 1 The Sigilum Dei Aemeth: The Signs of the Truth of the Gods
Cover Image for Knot 1 The Sigilum Dei Aemeth: The Signs of the Truth of the Gods
9 Went

Knot 1 The Sigilum Dei Aemeth: The Signs of the Truth of the Gods

Hosted by Wiccan Federation
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Zoom Codes for this event
The Zoom Codes for this event will be placed at the site below
There is an alternative of two messaging groups for this series of knots
The Telegram group for this course is
The Zoom codes for this course will be released in this group and elsewhere.
The alternative WhatsApp group is
The Zoom codes for this course will be released in this group and elsewhere.

Knot 1
The Sigillum Dei Aemth: The Signs of the Truth of the Gods
This event is Knot 1, the first of the 13 Knots, 1 year introductory course for Wiccans. This is a modern mystery school touching on some of the secrets of Wicca. The course website is below.

This two hour session explains how the connection between the elements and the magic circle, used in Wicca, is defined. The Knot deals with the four quarters of the magic circle and their representation as earth, air, fire and water. These elements are hidden in many artefacts, images, texts and symbols.

The purpose of the course is to open the students understanding of the images and artefacts around them. We will be looking at how Aristotle originally created the relative directions of earth, air, fire and water. Although this event is part of a course it is possible to attend this event without joining the course itself.
Attendance at this event is free of charge, and is open to both Full Members and Associate Members of the Wiccan Federation, however to receive the Zoom codes you will need to be registered as a member of the Wiccan Federation at the website below. Late registrants may only be offered access to a subsequent Knot/lesson rather than this one.

If you wish to find out more about the Wiccan Federation please visit the following site.
We will set up other events for members in this area using our Whatsapp network.

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