Cover Image for Sarah Cooper: An Evening of Joy
Cover Image for Sarah Cooper: An Evening of Joy
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Presented by
Princeton Women's Network NorCal

Sarah Cooper: An Evening of Joy

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About Event

Musicians, Princetonians, and Opera Lovers alike,

Join us in welcoming Sarah Cooper for an evening of joy (and possibly singing)! this Sunday. Hailing from the class of 2014, Ms. Cooper is an incredibly talented, vocalist, musician, and singer who has mesmerized audiences through her enchanting charisma, persona, and vocals.

Some talking points:

  1. The highs, lows, and plateaus of a career in Opera.

  2. Managing her brand and overcoming the challenges of 'breaking through' in Opera.

  3. Her charity Help!ComeHome! and its impact on life the lives of many.

Along with any questions you may have!

Whether you're a lay-enthusiast or an avid lover of the arts, you will definitely be missing out if you don't join us for this special evening of music and joy.

Look forward to to seeing you there!

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Presented by
Princeton Women's Network NorCal