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#2 Tan Zhi Xuan on the pluralism in AI Alignment: philosophy, governance, and research
Hosted by AI Alignment Network (ALIGN) & Mari Izumikawa
Past Event
About Event
In the second episode of ALIGN webinar series, we invite Tan Zhi Xuan, a PhD candidate in the MIT Probabilistic Computing Project and Computational Cognitive Science labs. We will hear from Xuan about important questions that lie in the intersection of AI Alignment, philosophical pluralism, and collective governance, current state and challenges, as well as potential approaches to align AI with our collective interests.
AI Alignment Talk from Japanとの共催する第2回では、マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)Probabilistic Computing Project and Computational Cognitive Science labの博士課程Tan Zhi Xuan氏をお招きし、AIアライメント、哲学的多元主義、ガバナンスの接点に位置する重要な問いをはじめ、現状とその課題、さらにはAIを私たち集団の利益に整合させるためのアプローチについてお話しいただきます。
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