Cover Image for Unseen Identity Expert Human Agent AI Model –  2024 Development Plan
Cover Image for Unseen Identity Expert Human Agent AI Model –  2024 Development Plan
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Unseen Identity Expert Human Agent AI Model – 2024 Development Plan

Hosted by Eva Ngai
Past Event
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Meeting ID: 882 5595 0313

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Unseen Identity Expert Human Agent AI Model – 2024 Development Plan

EXPERT HUMAN AGENT built by users, powered by Human Agent Cognitive Performance API

Read our latest article about our 2024 Development for Unseen Identity Expert Human Agent AI Model!

Our demo video of the human agent social simulation, please see here:

Please see our updated API Categories here. Submit your Expert Domain Database before 4th Dec and we will prioritize for training an Expert Human Agent:

Enables integration of specialized knowledge and cognitive capabilities into Human Agents. This creates an AI representatives of humans as “Expert Human Agents” with a high-definition data sets of domain-specific problem-solving, targeted knowledge.
 Through our innovative 30-seocnd Cognitive Screening API, Evaluate your needs, identify skill gaps, and determine the complexity of your tasks – assist your human agent for guidance on any multimodal data you incorporate into your task workflow, or in connecting with other users' human agents.

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