Fundraising Insights: Charity Benchmarks | Mewnwelediadau Codi Arian: Charity Benchmarks
Mae CGGC yn falch o gyflwyno Open i rannu’r mewnwelediadau codi arian maen nhw wedi’u cael o’u hastudiaeth ddiweddaraf o Charity Benchmarks, gyda’r sector yma yng Nghymru.
Y nod yw eich cynorthwyo i weld ble i ganolbwyntio eich egni a’ch adnoddau pan ddaw hi i godi arian. Dewch i weld pa ffrwd incwm sydd wedi gweld y twf mwyaf, pa sianel sy’n denu’r mwyaf o roddwyr, pa effaith mae’r argyfyngau parhaus wedi’i chael ar berfformiad codi arian, a llawer mwy.
WCVA are pleased to host Open to share the fundraising insights they’ve gained from their latest Charity Benchmarks study, with the sector here in Wales.
The aim is to support you to identify where to focus your energy and resources when it comes to fundraising. Therefore, come and find out what income stream has seen the highest growth, which channel is bringing in the most donors, what impact the continuing crises have had on fundraising performance and much more.