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R3al World: Infra afterparty@HK

Hosted by IoTeX
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About Event

IoTeX、Neo、Conflux、AIchemy Pay、BTCEX、dForce、O3 Swap、Particle Network、exaBITS、FutureMoney、TaskOn 联合邀请您参与4月12号18:30-23:00在香港的R3al World: Infra afterparty@HK,期待与大家相聚,共度难忘的鸡尾酒会之夜。


IoTeX、Neo、Conflux、AIchemy Pay、BTCEX、dForce、O3 Swap、Particle Network、exaBITS、FutureMoney、TaskOn jointly invite you to participate in the R3al World: Infra afterparty@HK in Hong Kong on April 12th from 18:30 to 23:00. We look forward to meeting everyone and spending an unforgettable cocktail party night together.

Spots are limited, please apply as soon as possible. We look forward to your participation!

关于主办方(​About the organisers):


IoTeX is a modular Web3 infrastructure platform connecting intelligent devices and real-world data to blockchains. It aims to integrate Web3 into everyday life through innovations in connected smart vehicles and city mapping, green energy initiatives, super-charged fitness platforms, environmental data tracking, proof-of-presence applications, and more. With the recent launch of W3bstream, the world's first decentralized off-chain compute framework for smart devices and real-world data, IoTeX leads the Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) as an infrastructure provider, enabling vertical innovations for machines, humans, businesses, and dApps to interact with trust and privacy. Backed by a global team of 60+ research scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, off-chain compute, and open hardware to connect billions of devices and DApps across the physical and digital world.


Neo is an open-source platform driven by the community. It utilizes blockchain technology and digital identities to digitize and automate the management of assets using smart contracts. Using a distributed network, it aims to create a smart economy by building infrastructures of the next-gen Internet and creating a solid foundation for mass blockchain adoption.

Conflux是一个无需许可的第 1 层区块链,该网络最近迁移到混合 PoW/PoS 共识,提供了一个快速、安全和可扩展的区块链环境。作为中国唯一合规的公共区块链,Conflux 为项目在亚洲的建设和扩展提供了独特的优势。 在该地区,Conflux 与全球品牌和政府实体就区块链和元宇宙计划展开合作,包括上海市、麦当劳中国和奥利奥。

Conflux is a permissionless Layer 1 blockchain connecting decentralized economies across borders and protocols.Recently migrated to hybrid PoW/PoS consensus, Conflux provides a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain environment with zero congestion, low fees, and improved network security.

Alchemy Pay于2018年成立于新加坡,是一个为企业、开发者和用户无缝连接加密货币和全球法定货币的支付网关。Alchemy Pay Ramp解决方案已通过插件或API与多个平台和dApps轻松整合,为不同的生态项目和生态用户提供从法币到加密货币的兑换服务。Alchemy Pay开拓了多个新兴市场,目前支持173个国家和地区的支付,包括使用Visa、Mastercard、Google Pay、Apple Pay、流行的本地钱包、以及国内转账来购买加密货币。它的加密资产-法币兑换服务支持使用50+种当地法定货币向用户汇款。ACH是Alchemy Pay于Ethereum和BNB Chain上发行的代币。

Founded in Singapore in 2018, Alchemy Pay is a payment gateway that seamlessly connects crypto and global fiat currencies for businesses, developers, and users. The Alchemy Pay Ramp Solution is integrated, via plugin or API, with platforms and dApps, providing an easy onramp from fiat currency to crypto. Alchemy Pay’s supports payments from 173 countries - Visa, Mastercard, Google Pay, Apple Pay, popular regional mobile wallets, and domestic transfers with a focus on emerging markets. Its offramping capability remits to users in 50+ local fiat currencies. ACH is the Alchemy Pay network token on Ethereum and BNB Chain.

BTCEX.com是一个全品类数字资产交易平台,提供现货交易和衍生品交易,如保证金、季度合约、永续合约和期权交易。BTCEX期权是全球首个usdt结算期权产品。平台推出的组合保证金模式,有效降低了用户的资产成本,提高了资产利用率。衍生品全球排名TOP10,现货全球排名TOP20,是最具潜力的黑马数字货币交易所。 is a full-category digital asset trading platform that provides spot trading and derivative trading such as margin, quarterly contracts, perpetual contracts, and options. BTCEX option is the world's first USDT-settled option product. The combined margin model launched by the platform effectively reduces the user's assets cost and increases the assets utilization.

dForce是一个内置DeFi协议矩阵(资产、借贷、交易、跨链桥)的去中心稳定币。dForce的投资人包括招银国际、Multicoin Capital、火币资本,dForce协议目前已部署在7个网络里,USX链上交易量超$50亿美元。

dForce is a decentralized stablecoin protocol powered by an integrated DeFi matrix (asset, lending, trading and bridge).  Backed by a number of world class investors (CMBI, Multicoin Capital, Huobi Capital), dForce protocols are deployed on 7 networks and USX has facilitated over $5bn on-chain transactions. 

O3 Swap 是一个跨链聚合协议,使用自己流动性池进行桥接的同时,聚合源链和目标链上多个DEX, 实现了不同原生资产之间一键式跨链的用户体验,为跨链DEX带来真正的互操作性。O3今年也在打造他们NFT跨链产品—NFT Shuttle(首个保留用户权益可扩展性的 NFT 跨链桥)。

O3 Swap is a cross-chain DEX built on all blockchains. The token liquidity is both aggregated from the top DEXs on each chain and from on-chain liquidity pools deployed by O3 Labs. O3 Labs is also building the NFT Bridge product - NFT Shuttle this year.

Particle Network 提供一站式Web3基础设施服务。向开发者提供身份验证和钱包中间件,让传统用户Web2用户一键使用Email、Google、Facebook等方式注册登录,自动创建链上非托管MPC-TSS钱包,进入Web3世界。

Particle Network is a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) powered Authentication and Wallet-as-a-Service Middleware. The product supports Web2 login methods including emails, Facebook and Google accounts and allows billions of potential users from Web2 to have a frictionless, trustless and secure login experience to Web3 world.

exaBITS 是一个去中心化算力网络,旨在为人工智能(AI)计算提供超低成本解决方案。exaBITS 为 AI 和计算密集型应用提供了低成本的可扩展性,其独特技术能够将大规模 AI 模型分解,并在性能较弱的 GPU 上运行。通过采用这一技术并整合分布式计算资源,exaBITS 能够降低 80%以上的计算成本。exaBITS 诞生于哈佛创新实验室,是其孵化的第一个也是唯一一个 Web3 项目。exaBITS 的团队成员包括来自Harvard, Princeton, UC Berkeley和UCLA的全球顶尖学者和专家,拥有美国白宫、微软、Meta、华为以及全球最大的硬件区块链项目的工作经验。exaBITS 已做好准备并愿意与计算行业的所有合作伙伴携手努力,共同实现“低成本 AI”的美好愿景。

exaBITS is a decentralized computing network for affordable AI at scale. It provides low-cost scalability for AI and Computationally Intensive Applications. exaBITS' unique technology partitions large AI models and runs them on very weak GPUs. By adopting this technology and pooling distributed computing resources, exaBITS can reduce computing costs by over 80%. exaBITS is incubated by the Harvard Innovation Lab and the first and only Web3 project in its history. Backed by a global team from Harvard, Princeton, UC Berkeley, and UCLA, with working experiences at The White House, Microsoft, Meta, Huawei, and the world's largest hardware-blockchain project, exaBITS is ready to work with all of our partners in the computing industry and make “Affordable AI” a reality.

FutureMoney 是 Web 3.0 和加密资产的投资和咨询集团。我们成立于 2017 年,已管理超过 3 亿美元,并帮助我们的合作伙伴成长。

FutureMoney is an investment and advisory group in Web 3.0 and crypto assets. Founded in 2017, we have managed over 300 million USD and helped our partners to grow.

TaskOn 是一个 Web3 任务协作平台,针对满足Web3营销和运营的需求。它使您能够轻松地开展活动来推广您的品牌、获得新的真实用户、发展您的社区、并且提高链上数据和活跃度

TaskOn is a Web3 task collaboration platform ideal for marketing and operations. It enables you to easily run campaigns to promote your brand, acquire new real users, grow your community, drive up volume, mint NFTs or manage a whitelist.