Cover Image for Super Casual Board Game Night
Cover Image for Super Casual Board Game Night
Avatar for Belongfulness in Norwalk
6 Going
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About Event

​I got way too many board games for Christmas this year. They're fun! Let's play them!

β€‹πŸ‘ Casual casual casual.

​This is strictly for playing games that require very little thinking / strategy / setup / etc. No multi-hour odysseys here!

β€‹πŸ§˜πŸΎ Simple simple simple.

​We'll have all the games on-hand. You can bring your own and you can play whichever ones you want.

​In the interest of saving time and keeping things as easy as possible for everyone, I'm planning to take the lead on playing the following games:

  1. ​Sounds Fishy (how to play)

  2. ​Codenames (review) (how to play)

  3. ​Anomia (review) (how to play)

​Feel free to familiarize yourself with the rules in advance. We'll go over everything nice and slow together before we begin.

β€‹πŸ˜Ž Relax. Have fun. Enjoy!

​Bring a snack to share. We're avoiding alcohol for the time being. We'll do a brief round of introductions after folks get settled. Yay!

β€‹πŸ‘‹ Hi, I'm Tony Bacigalupo.

​I like bringing people together. Learn more about me here. I'm also on Linkedin here.

β€‹πŸŽ™οΈ Our host is Factory Underground.

​They're amazing. They have recording facilities, a music school, an online radios tation,a nd so much more. Thanks to them for hosting!

β€‹πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ’» We're also coworking that day.

​If you work from home, put on some real pants and come work alongside us at the studio before the board game night kicks off. More details coming soon.

Factory Underground Studio
16 Isaacs St, Norwalk, CT 06850, USA
Ring the buzzer (the little white circle to the right of the door) and head up the stairs or use the elevator if you are feeling adventurous
Avatar for Belongfulness in Norwalk
6 Going