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Creating product training with Workademy

Hosted by Olga, Jana & Illya Goncharov
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About Event

Learning Management Systems can be used for so many things in the workplace:

  • To create training that optimizes the onboarding of employees, customers, and partners;

  • To host training from external providers;

  • To build internal training on processes and compliance;

  • To provide team members with mandatory training and save the statistics for audition purposes;

  • To create product training.

In this webinar, we will be focusing on product training. Even more, we will build product training on Workademy in real-time!

We will specifically focus on software product training, but our techniques can be applied to nearly any training created within an LMS.

What can you expect during this webinar?

👉 Quick discussion on how LMSs can be used to create efficient product training;

👉 A real-time demonstration of creating product training using the Workademy platform;

👉 Q&A session.

This webinar can be useful if you are:

  • a CEO of a company that has a complex product that requires specialized training for the employees, customers, or partners;

  • A learning and development professional looking for efficient ways of creating product training using an LMS;

  • A product manager looking to optimize the ways of building and maintaining simple product training;

  • Any person that is interested in modern software that boosts learning and development.

Our speaker is Olga Filipova – the CEO and co-founder of Workademy – a modern LMS for growing companies.

Join us!