Cover Image for CoCo's Style Well Woman Event
Cover Image for CoCo's Style Well Woman Event
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Private Event

CoCo's Style Well Woman Event

Hosted by Sharon Perry
Past Event
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About Event

The Well Woman Evening is a FREE Event that has been designed to share experiences of the Peri/Menopause and explore various ways to support symptoms, in a welcoming and informal space.

The event is kindly supported by Meadows Wellbeing, Billingshurst

and funded by

Who will be there?

We are very lucky to have 5 experts from the world of Health and Hair. Each one will present their information to you throughout the evening. There will also be interesting and helpful Therapists in the room showing off their knowledge and resources.

Our presenters

Chris Connors - Salon Director, Coco's Style

Chris is a firm believer in 'anything is possible…..!'

After leaving school he entered into the world of Hairdressing and opened his first salon at the age of 20 and formulated all of his ideas, with a small group of people, to work in a way that would help others to achieve their goals and ambition by creating a learning environment.

He owned 3 successful salons and an Academy school in West Sussex pre-pandemic, which is now two, post-pandemic.

He now has the privilege of working with young adults throughout the UK and Internationally, through the creative world of Hairdressing and our charity, the CoCo’s Foundation.

Chris' knowledge on hair and all things related is second to none. He delivers rousing presentations to thousands of people in the industry each year and has an interest in the study of the scalp, hair loss and trichology in general.

Kate Scott - Herbal Medicine

Kate qualified in Herbal Medicine in 2014 after completing a Bsc degree at the University of East London, where her clinical training included hours at Whipps Cross Hospital Dermatology dept where they have a herbalist working with the orthodox dermatology team, and at The Breast Cancer Haven.

After qualifying Kate went on to work as a herbalist out of multi-disciplinary clinics as well as her own, she lectured at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and worked as the herbalist at the Wessex Breast Cancer Haven in Titchfield, supporting women with the physical and emotional issues arising around diagnosis and treatment.

Kate now works out of two clinics and runs her own clinic from the farm where her husband is farm manager, she also lectures clinical practice to students on the Lincoln School of Herbal Medicine Bsc course. When she isn’t working Kate likes to walk and run around local footpaths and bridleways and spend time with her small flock of sheep which provide the milk for her sheeps milk soaps, part of her skincare business, The Drovers Daughter.

Over her time practicing as a herbalist Kate has seen many patients experiencing issues around the menopause, she prescribes herbs which can take the form of a tea, tincture or capsules and gives advice around lifestyle and diet which can impact the severity of symptoms.

Nina Gerrard - Homeopath

Nina is a classically trained Homeopath and joined Meadows Wellbeing in the autumn of 2023. She studied at the South Downs School of Homeopathy in Chichester and is a registered member of the Royal Society of Homeopaths. Nina practices both locally and internationally on Zoom and until recently was working with Homeopathy 24/7 on an International Acute platform enabling people all around the world to access a Homeopath, day or night, for acute consultations.

Nina has a special interest in Female Hormonal Health due to the large number of women who approached her for help with their hormonal symptoms during her 4 year training. She is passionate about helping her clients lead their best lives and not be held back by quality of life affecting symptoms which can be caused by Menstrual Issues and Menopause. Most recently in October Nina created a Facebook Group, which she runs with 3 other female homeopaths, called  Homeopathy for Perimenopause and Menopause symptoms which already has over 700 female followers worldwide. The aim of the group is to support and empower women looking for holistic solutions for their hormonal symptoms.

Sylvia Gulbenkian - Acupuncturist

Sylvia has been an acupuncturist for over 20 years and has been working at Meadows Wellbeing for approximately 9 years. 

She particularly loves treating women, at all stages of their lives, and has tended to focus the majority of her post-graduate training in that direction; in particular, the treatment of gynaecological conditions, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. She also has a Diploma in treating children with acupuncture.

Sylvia practices a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture.

Dr Emma Woodcock - GP Managing Partner, Orchard Surgery Horsham

Emma is the Lead for the Education, Training and Workforce Development IPC as well as the Board Director for Innovations in Primary Care Ltd.

Emma has a special interest in all things menopause and is pioneering new services in the local community and surrounding areas, striving to help women access the knowledge and options they need at certain times in their life.

One such service is the Menopause Cafe and Information evening that runs in Horsham regularly.

Emma will be discussing:

  • Diagnosing the perimenopause and the menopause

  • HRT treatments and latest NICE guidance

  • How to talk to your GP about the menopause

  • How to future proof your health for the next 40 years

This is a FREE event but registration is essential.

By registering for this event your contact details will be shared with CoCo's Style and Meadows Wellbeing for the purpose of this event only.

Everyone who attends will receive a Goody Bag to take away !

Roman Way
Billingshurst RH14 9QW, UK
The Chambers, Billingshurst Community and Conference Centre
Hosted By