Cover Image for Executive LinkedIn Growth Systems to Scale Your Business Predictably
Cover Image for Executive LinkedIn Growth Systems to Scale Your Business Predictably
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Executive LinkedIn Growth Systems to Scale Your Business Predictably

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About Event

Many people whine that LinkedIn is saturated and full of spam, but we are here to cut through the BS and show you the systems that are still driving substantial growth for businesses of all sizes. We’ve interviewed 60+ executives in the last 6 months and the vast majority of them are still seeing amazing ROI from LinkedIn. Some of them got lucky by being in the right place at the right time with the right message. But most of them have one common trait: they built a system.

How do you grow your LinkedIn influence as a busy executive?

How do you know what content people actually want?

How do you find relevant people to build a community around?

The three of us (Shawn, Justin and Barry) have joined forces to bring you this workshop to show you a comprehensive system for growing your reach on LinkedIn. This is specifically for executives that want to grow their company and their own personal reputation but this applies to anybody who wants to expand their LinkedIn presence.

We will talk about data research, automated outbound that works and systematic content production that drives engagement.

Many of the people for this event will already know about the basic automation tools like Phantom Buster and Dux-Soup but many of you will also know that LinkedIn is much harder to find success than just a few years ago. 

What is the key to driving 70% connection acceptance rates and 30% response rates?

LinkedIn Market Research

Barry will talk about how he studies market data to identify opportunities. He will walk through his recent AI report as a case study for mapping a market and how this allows him to find the right level of influencers and content to guide your overall strategy. Approaching all the options and audiences on LinkedIn can be overwhelming but if you break down the map just right, the path forward becomes clear.

LinkedIn Outbound that Works

I (Shawn) will explain my approach to setting up sustainable outbound campaigns that constantly drive growth for your profile. I will explain some of the concepts I’ve developed over years of grinding out performance like: 1) Calculating your identity vector 2) Stop asking, start giving and 3) Don’t be an influencer, be influential. We won’t go deep into the toolsets for automation but if you want more info about that, you can check out one of our previous workshops on our automated outbound workflow.

Organic Video Content Production for LinkedIn

Last, but most importantly, Justin will walk us through his system to efficiently create highly engaging video content for LinkedIn. He will discuss his Content Buddy System™, the Sawdust Method and pairing efficiency with effectiveness. If your mind goes blank every time you open LinkedIn to post, Justin has the system for you. His system not only drives growth but also ensures that when a potential partner or client checks out your profile, they are going to see the best version of you.

LinkedIn is still growing and your business should grow with it.

If you aren’t growing on LinkedIn, you’re basically letting free money float down the river. We are all busy and we have to choose our priorities but LinkedIn is still a growth channel which means there are plentiful opportunities so quit waiting and MAKE this a priority. 

At the end of the day, this is a simple system to get started and generate consistent growth every day. 12 months from now, you’ll be very grateful that you started today.

Justin Vajko’s Bio:

Justin is a marketing nerd. His gateway drug was in middle school when he and his buddies would make up brand names and draw logos for fun. He graduated with a B.A. in Graphic Design from UW Eau Claire. He then cut his teeth leading the marketing for a $4 million non-profit, moving them into the digital age with new channels and systems. He joined a $60M healthcare manufacturer as marketing team of 1, helping grow them to $90M in three years. Justin became a full-time marketing entrepreneur in 2018. He now enables founders to grow their pipeline and thought leadership through social media videos. Learn more at

Barry Hurd's Bio:

From startups to internal corporate innovation projects, Barry works with organizations using data and emerging trends to strategically move the needle. He has provided insight to dozens of corporate and venture-backed organizations (internal divisions, strategic partners, client bases, vendor networks), utilizing audience and market data to frame market opportunities, develop key performance indicators, and establish scaling factors in the business.

Past projects and clients: Microsoft, Walmart, Amazon, Verizon, The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, DEMO, Beachbody, NIKE, REI, Onvia, TravelClick, TMP Worldwide,, Intuit, and a variety of digital "start-up" projects.

Shawn McGaff's Bio:

Shawn is a seasoned marketing leader with over 15 years of experience in digital marketing, web development, and data analytics. As a fractional CMO, he has worked with over 800 companies and run thousands of campaigns. He specializes in creating comprehensive and consistent growth strategies that leverage content, SEO, advertising, and end-to-end integration.

He is passionate about helping early-stage ventures scale and succeed in their markets with a focus on highly-technical B2B companies.

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