Wednesday Evening Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
This 8-week Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy course will be taught on-line using the Zoom platform.
The online group is every Wednesday from 6 - 8 pm. Prior to the course Fiona will arrange an orientation phone call with you. As this is an intensive course in mindfulness and meditation it is important that you understand fully what will be involved. This call will help you to ascertain if it is the right course for you, and if it is the right time for you to do it. There is a home practice commitment of at least 40 minutes a day for the duration of the course. You will be given a handbook and guided audios to support you in your participation. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s ground-breaking Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre in 1979. MBCT includes elements from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and was initially designed to support people suffering from recurring depression from relapsing. Research indicates that MBCT is highly effective in preventing relapse in depression in those with 3 or more episodes, and where there is relapse the symptoms are not so severe and the episodes don’t last as long. Over the last 20 years MBCT has been adapted to meet a much broader range of needs – the ordinary stresses of everyday life, work, family and relationships (which can all be very stressful from time to time), anxiety, low mood, low self confidence, poor sleep, and so on. Mindfulness helps us to wake up to our present moment experience instead of being lost in the past, often in regret, or in the future, often in worry or obsessive planning.
Fiona O’Donnell
Masters in Mindfulness Based Approaches from Bangor University, Wales, UK