Personal Knowledge Management meetup #1 at The Tower
This is an Inaugural London PKM meetup, dedicated to the practice of Personal Knowledge Management, tools for note taking, and other ways to use software to organise large volumes of information for knowledge work.
If you use any note taking system (Google Keep, Apple Notes, AnyType, Evernote etc.) or Knowledge Management System (Logseq, Obsidian, Tana, Notion, RoamResearch , etc.) and want to share your experience or see how power users of these tools organize their information come and join us.
During the event the participants will have a chance to showcase their PKM systems and share personal projects in this area via an open-format show-and-tell discussion. It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas, use cases and best practices for PKM.
We will have :
3 participants with 6 years of Logseq experience
participant who recently moved from Logseq to Tana
Participant who developed his own personal PKMS from scratch
We will have access to large display to share the screen and some tea.
for any questions you can drop me an email: avnotchenko at gmail dot com , or telegram @alex_notch .