NPC Day Bangkok
Welcome to the Bangkok install of “NPC Day”: a day dedicated to exploring theory, culture, and application behind the agents that add serendipity, color & vibe to our onchain worlds.
We deviate from the norm of an NPC. Instead of boring, flat, agentless characters, we redefine NPCs by their ability to bring digital worlds to life — Autonomous agents, smart contract bots, and NFTs which can use their own wallet to enact change across the EVM.
Powered by OP Games, Protocol Labs and Future Primitive
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Check-in + Networking
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Introduction to NPC Day by Paul Gadi
A short intro to NPC Day: how we got here and our hopes for the day
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Virtuous Games, Valuable Culture: Culture Keynote by Andy Tudhope
NPC Day starts off with a question from our technophilosopher and cryptowanderer Andy: There is but one infinite game, are you playing it?
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
TBAs and NPCs by Jayden Wilde
An update on the genesis technology for on-chain NPCS, Token Bound Accounts (TBAs), by Jayden of Future Primitive. TBAs open up a wide exploration space for building sovereign, agentic consumer applications. This talk will explore the architectures of several consumer apps that are using TBAs to build compelling onchain experiences.
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Autonomous AI Agents: Tech Keynote by Tim Cotten
Our Tech keynote takes a peek at Autonomous AI Agents: Yesterday, Today, & the Decentralized Tomorrow. Tim Cotten is Building the Inori Network for Autonomous AI Agents. Ex-EA, Ex-Mythic, he is the founder of Scrypted and a believer in Autonomous Virtual Beings.
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Provided by OP Games, OP Guild and Cosmic Labs
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Permissionless Games by Neeraj Kashyap
We start the afternoon by expanding our game design toolkit, led by Neeraj Kashyap: Mathematician and builder of permissionless games and infrastructure at Game7. Web3 makes it easy to build permissionless, multiplayer, digital games - we will discuss the shifts in think that these games demand from game designers.
1:45 PM - 2:15 PM
Cosmic Engine: Open-source LLM NPCs by OP Games
NPC Day Bangkok is the announcement venue for Cosmic Labs and Cosmic Engine: OP Games' full-stack framework for making Fun, Open-source, NPC-Friendly and Decentralized (FOND) games. Learn how to make NPCs using Scaffold-ETH, Nakama and ONNX.
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Expert Panel on NPCs by OP Guild and Friends
We'll be hearing from Angel Investor / Shitcoiner Niels De Ruiter, ETH Lizards, and other on-chain games industry experts on what NPCs mean for each of their projects. Moderated by Chase Freo of OP Games
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM
NPC Day Game Design Workshop: Robot Free Will
We end the day with doing an exploratory LARP / workshop on the future of NPC Game Design. In the near future, free will and human exceptionalism are being redefined. How will we be making games in an era of change?
NPC Day is part of LabWeek Web3, the decentralized conference by Protocol Labs.
LabWeek Web3 is designed by builders, for builders, with a focus on securing digital human rights and making the internet more equitable for all.