IPFS Mainnet: Gathering the Commons
This year, the IPFS and extended ecosystem is graduating to a more commons based approached, with many separate companies, foundations, and funding partners.
At ETH Denver we want to introduce the changes, and invite people to take part in supporting and governing large public commons projects like the ipfs.io public gateway, and the Kubo IPFS node codebase.
We will have a presentation by Adin Schmahmann from IPFS Shipyard, IPFS Core Maintainer, to introduce IP Shipyard's New Chapter and other existing and upcoming initiatives.
We will follow with a discussion of IPFS as Commons, welcoming IPFS operators, dapp builders, blockchain ecosystems, and others interested in the future of the IPFS commons. This will be a facilitated discussion and Q&A, hosted by Boris Mann, Founder of Fission.
*** Please DO add yourself to the waitlist if you'd like to join us, and write a custom message with your questions or feedback to get accepted. ***
Introducing IPFS Shipyard
IP Shipyard New Chapter
Rainbow operator scale gateway
IPFS Dapps initiative
Current state of ipfs.io and IPFS "Amino" mainnet
Funding Shipyard
Intro IPFS Foundation
IPFS as Commons Open Discussion Discussion
what does it mean to have a "mainnet"?
who will support running ipfs.io?
what features should we roll out? what default features might IPFS operators choose to coordinate making widely available?
what are the takedown rules for this main gateway?
are there dapps, networks, or other projects that want to contribute to the public gateway?
Hosted by Fission and IP Shipyard