Cover Image for DrugBank Head Office Tour
Cover Image for DrugBank Head Office Tour
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Hosted By
43 Went
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Come join us on a tour of DrugBank's Head Office!

About DrugBank: DrugBank augments human intelligence so that all medical information - from benchside to bedside - is used to its full potential. Our products enable companies to improve healthcare delivery through precision medicine or clinical software applications and uncover insights through data science in drug discovery.

DrugBank was spun out of the University of Alberta in 2016. Our products transform the world’s rapidly expanding raw biomedical data into actionable insights. We accelerate the discovery & development process by enabling researchers and analysts to focus on answering their key questions and getting to their next insight faster - with no AI expertise or data science degree required. We replace the status-quo processes of combing through literature and manually collecting, cleaning, standardizing and refreshing data for each and every research question with a queryable biomedical intelligence platform.

Our intuitive front-end interface supports key use cases and enables multiple workflows across pharma research, development, and commercialization. It also allows easy access to the DrugBank Knowledgebase - proprietary authored content created by us and based on the evidence we have sourced including all clinical & investigational drugs, pharmacology, disease biology, metabolism & bio-active compounds.

103 Street Centre
10130 103 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 3N9, Canada
DrugBank Head Office
Avatar for Life Sciences Week 2024
Hosted By
43 Went