May Mingle
We're a monthly meetup set up to help tech entrepreneurs, investors and enthusiasts from across the region meet IRL, exchange ideas, and support each other.
We connect, chat, and celebrate the hard work the tech community is doing in Newcastle every last Thursday of the month.
No speakers, no pressure, just good old-fashioned socialising.
Stay connected before and after the Mingle by joining our Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/siliconmingle/shared_invite/zt-316ep8scg-AviN_QqZWTFAYM5IRzytNA
We may take some snaps of the event to use on our website and social media for marketing purposes. Please let us know if you wish to be excluded from any photos taken.
If you have any questions about Silicon Mingle, please contact Karl:
Email: karl@siliconmingle.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlderekmurray/